
You need a client when? Don’t make me laugh!!!

The challenge with startups and SME’s is the majority don’t get brand exposure. They need a ... read more

Lessons from a stalwart in business.

Many business owners talk about building relationships, but they often focus more on a transactiona... read more

In a world full of sellers where are the buyers?

Whatever you sell, if you go to a search engine like Google and input your product or service, the ... read more

Employee Retention; 23 top strategies to keep the best Talent

Today’s employee retention strategies need to be creative to be effective, particularly as employ... read more

7 Essential strategies for startup recruiting

As a startup, it can be challenging to know how and where to recruit great talent, or even know wha... read more

6 Powerful reasons to add your business to a Digital Advertising directory

1. Expand Your Online Presence When searching for your business on general search engines like G... read more

How Leads4biz can reduce your carbon footprint.

We all must be ecologically awake these days, the Earth is changing at an alarming rate, Ice ages o... read more

6 Tips for Hiring During Covid

The pandemic changed the way we hire, and will to do so for years to come. A insipid mix of factors... read more

Top answers to awkward interview questions

The best Recruiters are, or at least should be, more analytical of you interview performance and pr... read more

How Profitable Are Warm leads?

When I was a salesman, we waited each day by the fax machine, (a way to send written messages in th... read more

Shy Kids don’t get Sweets (How to ask for success)

There is this awkwardness when it comes to sales and asking, like it is demeaning. Those of us who ... read more

Cryptos V Banks, who are the crooks again?

I would put a good bet on that there would not be many people out there who can say honestly the ba... read more