Why you need a Financial Advisor
Let’s be honest. We detest spending money on tasks we believe we can complete on our own. Perhaps investing gives you that kind of feeling. When you can handle your money on your own, why pay a financial advisor?
There is a lot of incorrect information out there regarding financial advisers. The costs usually make people wince, or they assume they’ll be writing a check at the first meeting. So when it comes to investing, some people claim that “I can handle it all on my own.” But let us put this to you: Do you perform your own AC repairs, fix your own computer from scratch, and maintain your own aircraft? Yeah, neither do us.
Because a professional has more training and expertise, you use them. They’re certain to accomplish the job well. You feel at ease as a result of that. It’s the same with your financial situation. You need an authority on your side. This is why.
What Exactly Is a Financial Advisor?
The phrase “financial advisor” isn’t a recognized job title or academic degree name. It’s a catchall term for those who offer a wide range of financial services. And those services frequently come with specialized training or education. Here are a few examples:
To become a certified public accountant (CPA), candidates must pass a challenging exam. Of course, they may assist you with consulting, accounting, and commercial services like mergers and acquisitions.
Personal Finance Specialist (PFS) – CPAs who have taken additional tests and accumulated significant education and experience fall under this category. They can assist you with more extensive financial planning in addition to accounting.
Registered Investment consultants (RIAs) are consultants who focus on looking after the assets of high net worth individuals. They also work to increase the profits of endowment funds, commercial banks, mutual funds, hedge funds, and insurance firms.
Certified Financial Planner (CFP) – To become certified, candidates for this title must also pass an exam.
Additionally, they have to commit to a code of ethics and have professional experience. Taxes, estate planning, insurance, and retirement planning are all areas of expertise for them.
The CFA designation requires candidates to pass three tests and have three years of professional experience. They prioritize stock analysis for banks, mutual funds, and other major entities rather than personal financial planning.
Financial advisors are now permitted to have multiple licenses. An example of someone who can be both is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). We acknowledge that the abundance of acronyms can be perplexing. But here’s the essence: Work alongside someone who has expertise and training. Never entrust your finances to your uncle’s cousin or a vaguely familiar “buddy” from college.

Why Consulting a Financial Advisor Is Important
You should ask yourself, “Why do I need a financial advisor?” now that you are aware of the duties of an advisor and the fields of specialization they can work in. Here are a few justifications:
Because they help you stick to your investment strategy.
They don’t only invest your money, they do more.
Because even experts need assistance.
Because you are pressed for time.
Because you’re a sensitive being.
Let’s examine these explanations in more detail. You’ll learn that financial counselors are more crucial than you initially believed!
1. Financial Consultants follow through with your investment plan
At your current age, how much money should you have set aside for retirement? If you started investing later in life, how can you catch up on lost time? As you become older, should your investment portfolio change? While the answers to these questions might seem like quantum physics to you, a financial advisor would compare them to kindergarten algebra! Additionally, they can help you stay on pace with your retirement savings because they are math-savvy. According to a John Hancock research, 70% of those who work with a financial advisor are on schedule or ahead with their retirement savings, compared to just 33% of people who don’t.1 Seventy percent is much better than thirty-three percent!
2. Financial advisors offer services beyond just investing your money.
Some people believe that a financial advisor’s sole responsibility is money management. They have other duties in addition to it, however that is one of them. They can collaborate with you on a variety of different financial duties, including:
You should rebalance your portfolio. Your portfolio likely consists of a variety of products, including bonds, mutual funds, and cash equivalents, and these investments total all of your money. You might invest 50% of your money in mutual funds and the remaining 50% in bonds or cash, for instance. You might wish to adjust the percentages over time as you come closer to retiring in order to safeguard your wealth. You can get guidance from a financial counselor on when and how to adjust those percentages.
Tax preparation. Are you aware of the tax regulations that govern your financial situation? The most taxed investment, perhaps? These inquiries will have clear answers from a financial advisor. They are aware of which of your assets will affect your taxes the most, the date those taxes are due, and the total amount that will be owed. The advice of advisors keeps you on good terms with Uncle Sam!
Estate preparation. One of your responsibilities as you accumulate wealth is to consider what would happen to it if something untoward happened to you. To ensure that your assets are divided in accordance with your instructions rather than based on an arbitrary probate court, your financial advisor can engage with an estate lawyer.

Long-term planning for care. Long-term care may be one of your retirement’s largest outlays. You can use up your retirement savings faster than you think if you require home medical care or if you need to remain in a rehab facility while you heal from surgery. You can make the greatest choices in this area of preparation with the assistance of a financial counselor.
Spending methods. Which of your investments will need a minimum withdrawal each year until you retire? Which source of money should you use first? When you start spending the money you’ve been saving, questions like these become extremely important. You can make the finest choices in this area with the assistance of a financial counselor.
3. Even Experts Need Assistance
Medical professionals never operate on themselves. Not a single dentist pulls their own teeth. Experts in each given field receive recommendations and counsel from respectable individuals. This also holds true in the field of financial planning. Because everyone has blind spots, this is. You are aware of the subject at hand.
Work with a professional to handle market turbulence, inflation, and your future.
There is a particular area in your car that obstructs your vision while you are driving. And if you change lanes too quickly, that could result in accidents. In terms of managing your wealth, you too have blind spots. It’s feelings for some. Others view it as false information. And those weaknesses could result in costly errors in your financial planning. You require a financial advisor because of this.
Being outside looking in, a professional can provide you a comprehensive, bird’s-eye view of your financial situation. They can identify weak spots that you might be oblivious to and offer advice on how to strengthen them. When you’re in a panic, they can remain composed and offer you knowledgeable guidance on how to make smart financial decisions. Even the very finest need professional assistance. You as well.
4. Financial advisors help you avoid stress and save time
Imagine the normal day at work. Aren’t you constantly busy from the moment you wake up until you lay your head down at night? Do you really believe you can devote the numerous hours of research necessary to select the ideal mutual funds or determine the ideal balance of those funds?
In a poll conducted by Fidelity of program participants, 77% of respondents confessed that they lacked the information or time necessary to feel confident about their financial decisions.2 We assume they are not alone. And even if we do have the time, there are many more enjoyable activities than simply sitting around doing math!
Every day of the week, professional advisors are knee-deep in investment. These people won’t waste hours trying to decipher reports, working out jargon, and seeking for definitions. They have expert knowledge. Because of the environment they live in, they can locate the solutions in half the time. They can help you save endless hours that you simply cannot get back and that you would prefer to use in other ways.
5. Financial Consultants manage your emotions.
Your stomach will start to turn when the stock market has a significant decline, as it happened during the 2008 financial crisis. Why? Because you have a stake in the outcome! You are aware that market declines result in portfolio declines. Nobody invests their hard-earned money with the intention of losing it, yet you get the feeling that your money is disappearing before your very eyes. If you don’t have a financial advisor by your side to serve as a constant reminder that the market will recover (because it always has), your emotions may take control of your judgment and lead you to make some foolish actions, such as withdrawing all of your money and hiding it under a mattress.
A smart investing advisor is aware that when the market declines, mutual funds—which are made up of equities from many companies—are discounted! They will adamantly advise you to continue investing while you can still buy mutual funds for a lesser price and to leave your money alone.
Similarly, an advisor will assist you maintain a balanced portfolio and prevent turning your retirement plans into a roulette wheel in Las Vegas when a stock or new investing fad is skyrocketing.
That is why you require a consultant. Although real, feelings don’t always tell you the whole story.
When you begin investing your way to financial security, you should see a financial counselor. Additionally, you must meet with them at least twice a year to discuss potential modifications and go over your portfolio. However, there are other situations when issues may arise and you may have queries. Calling a trusted counselor is all it takes if you even suspect you need assistance.
However, it all begins with you. Your control over your financial future. And if you don’t take charge of your finances right now, when will you? It’s time to get moving!