Premium Listing
Upgrade to Premium for just $50 a month to get so many more benefits over free
Premium Accounts do not have any of the 10 -30 second adverts that delays your potential clients from seeing your business quickly!
- 5 Social Media Links (Free accounts do not have any aw poor free accounts!!).
- Stay at the top of the category page (Free accounts get moved off the category home page quickly when new listings are posted)

- Publishing and sharing of your blog posts with licensed images and links and then shared to 300,000 social media reach.
- 1 of your articles posted on (800,000 visitors a month!)
- Display services/products
- 5 Images for your business (Free listings get 1 image).
- Embedded corporate Video.
- Monthly sharing to our 400k social media reach driving traffic back to your listing. (Free accounts rely on our traffic alone!).
- Monthly advertising on our newsletter to 40,000