Accurate Electric Plumbing Heating and Air
Accurate Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Services is a home service company whose focus is to offer the best possible service to each and every one of our clients.
Finding a home service contractor you and your family can feel comfortable with is no easy task. If your home requires electrical, plumbing, heating or air conditioning work and you don’t have technical experience in these fields, you may never know what you are getting from a service technician. When Jeff Seale started doing electrical work in 1989 he saw a major disconnect in the industry. Customers didn’t know what kind of work was being done inside their homes, contractors were charging for unnecessary repairs without giving all the information a homeowner deserves to know and the cordialness of the client relationship seemed nonexistent. Jeff believed that customers deserved to know what they were getting and they deserved to know all their options. It was then that Jeff decided to do his own rewiring of the industry and started Accurate.
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