If you can’t be nice.
In business so many people find they can’t help themselves and blurt out and ill thought out response that they will later always regret, what is it about the internet that brings out the worst in some people? Yes it’s human to want to let rip and give the faceless ‘greetings of the day’ email sender soliciting web services from? Yes, you guessed it; India, but experienced business acumen says no, you just ignore the email and doom it to trash.
Words can hurt people, especially if it comes from nowhere, and when it seems so easy to give someone a piece of your mind, whatever you do, DON’T! It is more dangerous to do this than anything you can possibly imagine. You could just send a terse email to that Indian and he could actually be an unstable American who, armed his 2nd Amendment rights lives next door to you anywhere, wherever in the world you are, then decides to pay your family a visit with his Uzi 9mm, not at all uncommon in the unstable world we live in.
This horror scenario all from one hurtful email is not as unfeasible as my crazy imagination thinks it is.
All too many mass-carnage events we see in America all too frequently stem from some hurtful words, words are stronger than missiles in many cases which can awaken the wrath of people in a world where they can retaliate in many awful and unthinkable ways, makes you realise how we must be more and more careful of the words we use.

The 2nd Crazy Amendment
In a business setting, you may think scoffing at someone who is really just trying to do earn an honest wage is making you feel big and proud of yourself, but really you are winning no friends at all. That lowly Indian chap who has sent his faceless and boring email, is still a human with emotions, and your unkind words are echoing across a universe and sooner if not later will come back to haunt you.
My mother could say everything by saying nothing, and she taught me the power of words and how they can have such great effect on people. Using great words at the right time with passion, can stir countries to war, change the course of careers, games and many outcomes. What are words worth? A lot is seems.

Biz-find what are words worth
Just recently I sent an email to a company about a our sales leads and one particular Sales Lead I had for his company , sadly his words in return, for me giving him a heads up about our Sales Leads, were quite terse and hurtful. He tried to belittle my idea of having a Sales Leads system for business in Thailand.
I had to reach deep into my reserves for this, as it initially hurt me to think anther business person thought little of my idea.
But then I began to self-talk, to tell myself how far I have come, 30 years of Sales and Marketing, 9 years online marketing, the top company for social media marketing in Thailand according to Google, all with no pay per click or ad spend.
I have asked many business leaders, my mentors, successful people who I look up to in the business world what they thought of my idea of just calling people up and saying; hey I have found someone from our members who wants what you sell, and most have said they would welcome that kind of contact.
The person claimed to be an online marketing company in Thailand, however I had never heard of them till I looked for Web design for Google. Not ranking for any of your online marketing keywords then?
Nope cos you are playing in my yard!
Regardless, they had no idea that we are the leading social media marketing company in Thailand, Google us and see, the domains; socialmediamarketingthailand.com and Internetmediathailand.com which are both part of Netmedia-Asia. I checked their Facebook out, and they had around 500 likes, compared to around 250,000 of our likes across many pages and groups, therein lies the danger, you don’t want to really upset the top social media people in Thailand, especially if you are an online marketing company.
Fear leads to hate and hate leads to pain
If I went to this guy’s house, and he had a son, and I asked his son what he wanted to be when he grows up and he told me; an Astronaut, then I laugh at his son and say:
“You have no chance sonny that idea is totally out for you.” Would his Dad be angry with me for insulting his boy’s imagination and stealing his dreams? Yes I think he would be livid with me.
It is not your place, my place, or anyone’s place; to say unkind things to anyone young or old.

How to upset kids and make them cry
Constructive criticism is what entrepreneurs thrive on; tell us we are doing well, but here is what works better, we love that, and that kind of approach yields massive rewards for everyone and the energy you send out will be of great karmic value to you soon.
I always say; if perhaps you are on the way to a big job interview be nice to everyone on the way, if you are driving, let everyone in and be over courteous, as you never know the interviewer may just be sharing the road with you, he is going to the same place after all, they may remember you from behind the wheel, when you gave him some space or let him in.
When you are angry blog, get your emotions down, people relate to feelings and emotions in writing. And the self-talk therapy is invaluable for you. And never let anyone especially if they are not as experienced as you, drag you down to their level and never let anyone talk you out of your dream. Get angry and let it spur you on.
Remember when people are saying it can’t be done there are people going out and doing it
See you at the top