Getting a ‘head’ for Success!
What do all successful business people, entrepreneurs and sales people have that those who aren’t successful don’t?
Is it that they have more intelligence, talent or good looks? Is it that they have more time, more money or great contacts? Is it that they are just lucky?
Make no mistake, what distinguishes those who succeed from their counterparts is their:
Unfailing belief in their ability to do Until!
They have a spirit that empowers their belief and drives them to achieve. Inspiring individuals such as Ghandi remind us that all true power comes from within and stems from a belief. After all, Ghandi had no home, money or soldiers, he didn’t even possess a suit, yet he was able to transplant his faith into the minds of 200 million people. He was able to use what he had until he succeeded in his objective.
Definiteness of purpose is a necessity for achievement.
We can all focus on our perceived handicaps and listen to others list their own misgivings for our ventures and rely on these excuses to justify our lack of success. There is no challenge in doing this, it only ensures that we do lack success and proves that we were ‘right’ all along. In the immortal words of Henry Ford, ‘If you think you can or think you can’t, either way you will be right.’ Don’t allow perceived disadvantages or imperfections to delay your success. Catch the spirit of past pioneers, after all Rembrandt himself was nearsighted. Beethoven was a deaf musician and Helen Keller became deaf, dumb and blind shortly after birth yet adhered to the philosophy that ‘life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.’
These people in common with other successful people weren’t ‘advantaged’ but capable of anything once they put their mind to it. They kept their focus on their goals.
Desire is a potent force to drive us to create, yet how many people know what they do actually want? Most of us can make lengthy detailed and specific lists of all that we don’t want yet have trouble doing the same for what we do want.
All successful people know exactly what they do want!
‘You’ve got to name it to claim it’ works for both what you want and what you don’t. It’s a mind law that does not discriminate so choose what you are for and focus your energies there. Keep your eyes and thoughts focused on your target, your goals and dreams. What you discuss habitually is what you will see evidenced in your reality.
Your circumstances will reveal what you talk about and believe- it will prove you right! Hopefully your everyday language reflects your belief in a prosperous and expanding business, if not- change your thoughts.
Yes, ‘change your thoughts, change your world.’
Yes, your thoughts create your reality.
That’s good news, the power for success lies within your own hands. The most phenomenal, powerful and astounding asset that you can envision possessing…you already own. It’s available 24/7 at your fingertips.
It can be an ally in this adventure of your life or left operating by default can wreak havoc and sabotage our best laid plans.
No-one would enter into a business planning to fail. Yet how many omit to plan to succeed utilising the benefits of the brain. Create the blueprint in mind first of that you wish to see realized. The thought comes before the action.
All successful people be it elite sportspersons, corporate executives or business magnates consciously and deliberately:
Choose the thoughts that support the belief that they desire to see manifest.
What one can do- we too can do!
An accumulation of repeated thoughts creates a belief. Your beliefs will be seen alive and obvious in your everyday reality.
Most business’ have resulted as a solution to yesterday’s problems, affectionately termed the ‘oops evolution’ to success. Successful people and business’ keep their focus on the solutions, whilst developing the ability to use what they have until they get the results they desire.
Desire and belief are required to create reality.
You have the power to choose what reality that will be.
Think doubt and fail, think victory and succeed. Your thoughts, your choice!
I know what I’m thinking… do you?
Rosie Pekar
Author of ‘Kick But!’
International Speaker and Professional But Kicker!
She can be found globally having FUN…
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