A different approach to sales leads
You have a business right? You sell stuff, don’t say you don’t, yes you do! Capitalism is about money the movement of money to be precise, boom and bust, ups and downs, it all comes down to money, So you get money by creating a product or a service and selling something, yes? Oh good! Now we have gotten over the shamefulness and admitted it, we can start to repair you.
How many do you want to buy one or three? There we have closed the sale and wrote out the form and sold something, what were you scared of? Oh yee of little faith and you wonder why sales people are paid so much and in the main are not graduates of any university. They just have accepted the fact that people buy every day and they are not scared to ask for the order.
Get to a decision quickly, if they say NO great it’s an opportunity for you to learn why. Why where you there in the first place? Why did they say no? For experienced Sales people it’s a great opportunity to learn and grow and be successful, good sales people take ‘no’ like water of a ducks back.
We all have to sell, but the actual selling part, the last part of the process, is the real easy bit, the sitting in front of the client and promising to end his pain, you have the solution and he wants it, and he knows he has to pay.

Biz-find Sales Skills tips
The pain for anyone selling is finding that person who wants to buy, who has the decision making power to sign the form now, has the cash ready to buy right now.
Traditional business still offers only a few ways to find the dream potential client. Telemarketing, Cold calling from your office, Social media marketing, Email marketing and networking, what else is there?
Unless you are an emotionless cad, and you have virtually no Emotional quotient (E.Q.) most of the above activities will come with certain displeasure and a step into the uncomfortable zone.
Cold Calling
Most people put cold calling up there with Root canal work from the Dentist. Unsolicited cold calling simply does not work anymore, when we say cold calling; it’s your Sales manager dumping a list of names in front of you that you have no idea if these names want to buy or fit any of the other necessary criteria for a sale. You are simply wasting your time.

Cold calling woes
This is a massive science and the best companies have experienced teams who are the best in their industry, to call a reasonably warm database they either know via dynamic marketing methods, business people they have called before and will not jump down their throats.
The best telemarketing agencies will make many appointments for you, but due to the amount of work they have to do to get to a point where people accept the calls and are willing to chat is substantial and a price tag of around 50 bucks an hour for the best companies, who probably can’t even fit you in is not at all unusual.
Social Media Marketing
This method simply works, but then again so does Juno the spacecraft but it took 5 years to get to Jupiter!
Astronomy is a study of time, so is social media marketing,
What you did a year ago, that light of your hard altruistic work is only just starting to shine in the eyes of someone now, so that they trust you enough to call you. As a social media marketing consultant trust me when I say 3-6 months really hard graft will just about start to endear you and your brand to people to start seeing a return on your time investment.

Biz-find social media marketing
No one else should do your content, maybe a team of people to share your content but the buck has to stop with you, you are the reason why you went into business and people need social media to see you as the caring and conscientious worker you are, and that you love and cherish your work and your clients. Then maybe then they will just contact you. So Social media needs time!
Email marketing
Time is also needed for you to grow a subscriber base that receives your information willingly.
Don’t think for a second any of the main email marketing people like AWeber, Mailchimp, Get Response will be happy for you to pour in a list (you bought of a nice Indian man on Fivver) and hey presto off your email goes and no sooner has it gone out then you get replies back huh fat chance!
Press the button on the system that says ‘I bought this list’ and you will be as popular as fart in a shared spacesuit! They may as well say if you want us to delete this list, and you as well, tell us you are a dickhead and click: ‘I bought this list’
You have to have a lot of experience to make email marketing work for you, there is split testing to do and cleaning of your list every few days. Generally speaking if you blog three times a week, never seen before content so valuable to people, and you have a niche website with 100,000 minimum visits each month, fantastic, then maybe you can get a few people sign up every day to your list. The rest, well make sure your pension is in order you may reach eligibility for your handouts before you crack 1000 subscribers.
Business networking
The business breakfast people, the evening chamber events, the wine the bacon, the boring people, there are people who train you how to business network, there is a science on approaching groups and if you think you will go and find a client on your first night, well it’s like a spotty nerdy 17 year old in a nightclub for the first time, what chance has he got of being lucky on his debut night? Slim indeed, we all remember our first time in the night club, was not that much different to our first time networking, we went home with a few cards and felt good, it wasn’t until a month later that you start to think ‘Oh no not networking again tonight, I have 60 cards and no appointments!’
We had to learn how to speak about them and not you, to be gregarious, and work the room, certainly not something that comes naturally to most people.
Think differently If everyone is struggling to climb over the mountain why would you follow them, why not see if there is an easier way, everyone says there isn’t one, until someone finds it.
Sales Leads
What if you found a company that supplies qualified business leads for your industry at like 60 U.S.D. a month, would you believe it too good to be true? The Blue Ocean strategy discusses how most people are fighting in one area all the time and fighting with competition and pricing when a shift in thinking is all that is needed.
When Steve Jobs said “Show me how to do it differently,” he nailed the one thing you must do to be successful, based on this premise we made a business directory like no one else, where we ask all our members every day what they are buying in return to help them grow their business through our Social media reach, and nearly 5000 members buy a lot of things every day, we sell them to you.
So to brand your business online AND find sales leads for your business for just 10 U.S.D. month click here!