Thailand Business incubators and masterminds

Business Incubators in Thailand

Imagine if you will:

 9 AM; you arrive at your office and you have a desk in a large room with around 40 other of your colleagues. You settle down, open up your computer as millions of other people do at their jobs each day. However the one big difference is; you have just started your own business, and the 40 other people around you have not long started theirs too.

You all receive your desk space and office supplies at a greatly discounted rate, and best of all help is always at hand from mentors who are part of your office set up. You are invited by the mentors at least twice a day to meet the other companies who can all reciprocate business together. There are regular network meetings with the other office users and their guests at the office, so you are consistently meeting a steady stream of new people all the time to bring new ideas and direct business to you.

Sounds like you’re dreaming huh, a well thought out process offered to start up business to get them nurtured and on the road to growth and profit. Well this is actually happening now in advanced business countries and they call it Business incubation

Incubators are essentially ready-to-go support infrastructures for start-up business, and have a full-time support group to help you and your personnel with finance, marketing, sales, online marketing, strategic planning, and other areas of operations in one office, the daily commute to meetings is a walk across the room to another desk!

 Under one roof, entrepreneurs can have turnkey access to professional office space, meeting and conference rooms, legal and professional services and access to all the hardware and gadgets needed to conduct profitable business. One of the very best features of our incubators is daily mastermind sessions.

Masterminds are a relatively new term for brainstorming, but it is more concentrated on an individual company. Think of how helpful it would be for your business to have a dozen or so experienced business entrepreneurs and mentors who are to engage themselves for an hour or so directly on your business challenge, and write it all on a mind map for you to keep. What would that cost if you hired twelve separate consultants to visit your business for one hour and give you their best advice? The upshot behind masterminds is more often than not the people giving their advice receive a lot of new ideas too, so the collaborative coming together of great minds and ideas is a win-win

A business incubator is itself an entrepreneurial venture, as investors have pooled their capital to secure a business environment and outfit the space with your own support team and everything needed for start-ups to engage in business.

Now on top of all this; imagine that the support group of entrepreneurs also have access to investment capital as part of their overall buffet of goods and services for entrepreneurs, taking an equity position in incubator companies, thereby creating a portfolio of investment positions that provide some significant upside potential to the incubator’s investors.

If an incubation program seems of interest to you, be prepared to submit a fleshed-out business plan, we have the templates ready. The plan will be reviewed by a screening committee to determine whether or not you meet the criteria for admission.

Incubators carefully screen potential businesses because they want to be sure they’re choosing to nurture businesses with the best possible chance for success for you and their Investors.

For a formal meeting with Incubator Investors in Thailand contact Asia Pacific