Overcoming fear of public speaking
Are you afraid of public speaking?
It is said that many people are more afraid of talking to a group of people out loud, than they are of dying! Like anything it is a skill that can be mastered, NLP is a science that can cure people of this fear, as well as empowering business and individuals to become so much more and rid themselves of their negative thought patterns
Neuro Linguistic programming or NLP is about:
“Taking away useless and negative programming that hold people back and replacing them with useful positive programming that enable you to make progress in life”
NLP can offer permanent relief from all those old phobias and anxieties that are not helping you succeed, These can be evident in areas of your business and personal life you may struggle with, yet you may not know why, these professionals can drill right down to the underlying cause, not, might I add, by unconscious hypnotherapy, but by consciously finding out all about what has happened to you to make you think the way you do, and redirect you to achieve lasting change and success, in a relaxed, calming, fully conscious way. They use music and toys and get you to do some fun things to make you see things differently, to think laterally, and if you are struggling in some way, different methods will produce different results!
Within the realms of NLP, one thing that always comes up is the fear of public speaking and NLP can certainly help there. When you think of it, it is an irrational fear. No-one is going to hurt us or scold us, in fact the people listening want you to do well, however so many people really struggle, and it effects everything they do, yet all it takes is something very small inside to be changed to make the process so much easier, and that’s exactly what NLP practitioners do, and it’s a permanent change!
NLP training can help sales managers and people who attend networking events to deliver a more relaxed and better pitch to get more referrals. It uses various techniques like: throwing a ball between one another and counting backwards, as your subconscious mind can not concentrate on the current conscious problems it has to think about catching the ball, this way NLP practitioners can add new positive code to the brain and replace the negative and detrimental pattern that may have been there for decades is just one technique used.
One other simple technique is to find your passion, to me most people fear having nothing to say, when you feel strongly about something Public speaking comes naturally as you will have so much to say and therefore will not clam up and people will always respond to your passion.
Another thing to remember is that people want you to relax, they feel for you, and if you relax so do they and will then settle to listen to you.
If you are nervous another trick is to get your audience to speak, quite devilishly, turn the tables around, get your audience to join in, make it like a conversation and not just you, this will almost always relax you!
Toastmasters is always a good place to get experience, find a local club by you.
For help with Public speaking contact Netmedia
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