kksng colorectal
Services: 1. Colorectal Cancer Screening Diagnosis & Treatment of Colorectal Polyps Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Non-Surgical and Surgical Treatment of Haemorrhoids (Piles) Treatment of Benign Anorectal Diseases (e.g. Perianal Abscess, Fistula, Fissure) Stoma Management 2. Endoscopy 3. Minimally-Invasive Surgery (MIS or “key-hole” surgery) Conventional Laparoscopy Single-Port Laparoscopy Hand-Assisted Laparoscopy Robotic Surgery 4. Conventional Open Surgery For Colorectal & General Surgery 5. General Surgery Surgical Removal & Treatment of Superficial Skin Lumps & Lesions (e.g. Skin cysts, nodules, abscesses, infection) Surgical Removal & Treatment of Deep Soft Tissue Lesions (e.g. Benign Fat Lumps, Lymph Nodes, other Deep Lumps under the Skin) Gallbladder Surgery (Laparoscopic/Open) Hernia Surgery (Laparoscopic/Open) Appendix Surgery (Laparoscopic/Open) 6. Diagnosis & Management of Symptoms including Loss of Appetite & Weight Abdominal Pain & Bloatedness Cons

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