What kind of Decision Maker are YOU?
Calculated Risk or Blind Trust? Decision making made easy.
How are you motivated to make decisions? For many of us it will be a blend of the two; however have you ever considered what your preferred method of operation is for making both personal and professional decisions? Being aware can assist you to improve your decision making process!
For me, I found out that I am a ‘blind trust’ kind of girl, which is really funny considering my background of 8 years as a Police woman and another 8 as an Investigator. Despite my involvement with every kind of thief, liar and con artist I still believe that people are honest and without needing any proof trust all that they have to say. Now before any of you get the idea to sell me a bridge somewhere- yes, I’ll agree that on more than a few occasions my decisions have caused me grief.
Oddly, its not the trusted information from strangers that have led me astray the most; it has actually been from those nearest and dearest to me, their advice given often promptly followed up by those 2 universally famous words, ’TRUST ME’. A few have been financial ventures that I have supported only because of the people involved. (friends…say no more!)
I negligently trusted that they;
a) were the expert
b) had researched information competently to warrant investment.
c) would know of risks and notify me.
d) cared!
I had never given this topic much thought until recently when a ‘blind trust’ decision in the extreme landed me in a serious predicament. How many of us at times of duress or crisis look to someone else for help and then accept that the help we have been given is entirely in OUR best interest. High levels of stress, pain or fatigue can seriously cloud our better judgment and lower our own personal level of attention to matters.
In business, if your funds are depreciating while capital expenditure is increasing, many ‘new’ ventures in the urgency of the moment may appear like a godsend. Some may be just that whereas others with the benefit of hindsight and a little examination quickly reveal their flaws.
Life is about risk; absolutely anything worthwhile is achieved by the degree of your involvement and your risk. Every day we are risking our greatest asset, our very lives and livelihoods to varying degrees. Consider all those that you entrust your wellbeing to; Dr’s, dentists, pilots, police, other motorists, health practitioners, mechanics, chefs, electricians, lawyers, accountants, banks, etc.
Knowledge has always been power, the better the knowledge the more informed we are in the decision making process. The more we know, the more we can determine what the best choice is!
My own learning experience that formed the basis of interpreting my own decision making style was very minor at the outset though soon became a major problem because I did not put into practice the knowledge I had. You see early hours of one particular morning, around 4am I awakened with a killer headache, knowing that I had to be on a plane within the next 2 hours I opted for the easy solution of asking for some Panadol instead of rehydrating myself with fluid. (*Headache sufferers take note; the brain being 93% water needs a constant supply to maintain efficiency and not cause pain!) My partner at the time, stumbled around and in the dark handed me 2 ‘alleged’ Panadols and some water to wash them down.
A short time later in the shower I felt decidedly woozy and incoherent although I had enough of my senses about me to blast my partner that whatever he’d given me was not Panadol. I then saw the packet that the pills had been dispensed from and my heart pounded thunderously with dread…Panadeine. (The only thing I am allergic to discovered 20 years ago is codeine; which is contained in Panadeine and not Panadol.) My partner’s response to my horrified scream of “I asked for Panadol!” was “Panadol, Panadeine, what’s the difference?” (Suffice to say he he is not a current partner!)
The difference to me was a hospital trip and cancelled flight all because in the moment of crisis I just wanted relief and I assumed that others would know what I knew.
When combining ventures be sure to share all pertinent knowledge. Ask questions to make sure others know what you know and to clarify if necessary. Don’t assume; it can be fatal! Get informed, it’s your wellbeing and prosperity at stake.
Blind trust is great once you have checked your foundations; otherwise your personal or business journey could be very interesting indeed!
Rosie Pekar
International Speaker, Author of ‘Time to Kick But!’ and as recently featured in ‘Secrets of Inspiring Women Exposed’. For more great stuff and freebies visit;

Biz-find author | Rosie Pekar