Blogging for business
Blogs are now an intregal part of your marketing what else would you post if you did not? No one wants to hear about your shopping or the appointment you have just been on.
Social media strategy starts with a blog the rest is just to promote the blog!
Write well informed blogs educating the reader about your business from a deeper level of understanding your blog is about showing the reader why you are in bsuiness and why you are the best.
We invite every listing company to write a blog and we will publish all well written blogs.
The very best part is we publish every blog and featured listing to our social media and to date I have not found many others companies in UK with more likes , members and friends to post a blog heading to so what have you got to loose.
Write a well informed blog we will add your bio and a link to your listing within biz-find.co.uk and we will even source the right keywords so it is picked up by search engines.
If you just can’t find the time or want to write we will interview you and help you write it
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