Camera… Action…SUCCESS!

Camera… Action…SUCCESS!

The  secret to success can be found in the movies:

The secret of life is all too often referred to in the movies, it’s as if the wealthy are dropping huge hints to us all the time, beckoning us on, yet they know the vast majority, the common sense so to speak, choose to ignore it. I feel that when we die the vast majority will be told:

“We dropped you enough hints about how to have a great life but you didn’t listen!”

The moment when Neo wakes up in a pod where humans are enslaved by the machines and goes through great pain to learn the truth in The Matrix, is to me the moment we all start to think about who really is in power “Who makes up all the rules” sang Jem in her song; ‘Who are they?’

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

In Vanilla Sky; Tom Cruise’s character is plagued by his own sub-conscious who rebelled against the dream state reality he reluctantly chose for himself. We more often than not are always a product of our imagination and we become what we most think of.

More recently in Mirror Mirror a remake of the classic Snow White, the dwarves are a minefield of wonderful clues to the law of attraction. ‘Never show fear’ Snow white is told every animal can smell fear, so fake it till you make it.

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

The gap between absolute wealth and poverty is such a small line yet most look down and they see an endless cavern which is enormous, wealthy people see the other side and not what could happen. Indiana Jones was able to cross the invisible bridge to the Holy Grail because he had the faith.

And the most classic example of keeping the faith and the law of attraction has to be; A Wonderful  life’ where our character loses everything only to be repaid by all the people he  helped out before, without thinking

Give without thinking and karma is never what we think it is but it is an undeniable law of physics is the key message.

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

Biz-find articles |Success at the movies

If you are like me, and you feel that when you reach a certain level of personal wealth and success, and I’ve  said it before and say it again; wealth is whatever it means to you, you will get a tap on the shoulder and you will be invited to become one of the elite that really effects change in this world.

When that day comes, keep your feet on the ground, and remember you are responsible for the health and happiness of a great number of people outside your own family circle, and the maintenance of your wealth is dependent on how many more fellow humans you can help.

 <Cut… that’s a rap everyone well done>

Alan Johnston Biz-find owner

Alan Johnston Biz-find owner

 Alan Johnston Salesman, social media marketing trainer, and owner of over 40 top level domains and biz-find.co.uk