British Weeks in Bulgaria
The British Embassy in Bulgaria is organizing in a few days, and for two weeks (May 26th- June 11th, 2013), a series of events under the name “British Weeks”. The events will take place in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna, the aim being to display the close and long-standing cooperation between the two countries in the fields of education, economy and culture, and furthermore to underline the intention of the two sides to work together in the future. The nature of the majority of the events is philanthropic, as all profits will be given to support Bulgarian families in need.
The events include exhibitions, movie shows, classical music concerts, as well as a football match between the Aston Villa Old Stars team and a Bulgarian Dream Team. The premier of the movie “Portrait of a Quest” is expected to draw the public’s attention. The movie deals with the gospel manuscripts that were in the possession of the Tsar Ivan Alexander (14th century AD). These manuscripts, which are now kept in the British Library in London, are among the most significant monuments of Medieval Europe.
Other activities that are expected to intrigue visitors include the FameLab International final, which will be broadcasted on the Internet. The final’s main purpose is to accustom in a comprehensible and entertaining way the audience to science. It is worth noting that the visitors of the “British Weeks” will have the chance themselves to participate in many contests, possibly winning many souvenirs.
British ambassador Jonathan Allen emphasized that one of the events’ main goals is to display the achievements of British-Bulgarian cooperation in the field of Education. Certainly, Great Britain has contributed to the development of Bulgarian universities, through investments and by academic staff exchange. However, we feel that we should also praise the efforts of the Bulgarian government for trying to modernize its Tertiary Education system, by establishing the first English-speaking courses in several of its Universities. It is noteworthy that in all three public Universities of the cities in which the “British Weeks” are taking place (Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna), there are at the moment English-speaking courses in the field of Medicine.
To summarize, the “British Weeks” show in a vivid way that Bulgaria’s place in Europe has become more significant. If anything, the Bulgarian society is appreciated by one of the most powerful countries in Western Europe.
Source: www.studymedicineeurope.com