FAQ’S How do potential clients contact you?

FAQ’s How our website visitors contact you?

Did you know that on average 5% of all your page views end up in direct contact?

There are 5 ways your page views (visitors to your page on Biz-find from around the world) can contact you direct

  1. Through your website (we have a link to your site directly) your web designer can tell you how many clicks from us
  2. Through your telephone (You need to ask how they found you on the phone to see how many come from us)
  3. Facebook: if you have your link to your page people may follow you and contact you on Facebook
  4. Twitter: They may follow you on Twitter
  5. The contact form:

You will have seen a contact form on your business listing page:

Firstly they can contact you through the biz-find site, you have an internal email system and potential clients can click the ‘ contact’ tab and write you a message. That message goes to your internal email system in your members area.

If a potential customer has tried to contact you through our site, then you will receive an email at the email address you registered to the site with, advising you to log into your admin and read your messages.

Biz-find Contact form

Biz-find Contact form

How to read your messages

1. Log in with the log ins you chose/received

2 Click ‘Members Area’ (See image)

3 Scroll down to see ‘My messages’ (See image)

It’s  vital you have a regularly opened email address and not a spam collecting email address, because if you have a spam collecting email, then you may miss all your potential leads!

The Admin of biz-find checks every single listing to make sure all social media links are added and phone numbers are visible, we have to take time to open up your website to find your number, if you don’t have one we can’t approve you, simple as!

More help can be obtained by emailing; info@biz-findthailand.com




