Which companies are doing well despite the recession?

Which companies are doing well despite the recession?

The old adage you have to speculate to accumulate is now more apt then ever before.

You may call it what you will, some may see it as bribery, other’s like Leighmans.com, who commissioned a survey into the practice of corporate hospitality have found that 60% of companies surveyed out of approximately 1000, revealed their budget for growth in gifting has increased.
37% of whom saw a an increase of over 20% on marketing and promotional items.

The psychology of sales will have us believe we buy from who we like, and an offer of something free may boost that rapport. We feel that the company whom we are taking the gift from is well meaning and also has the feeling of success about  them despite what is happening to the rest of the economy.

The gift sector, especially corpoarate gifts sector is doing very well thank you, and marketing on the whole tends to see an increase during downturns.

I believe we don’t just buy from people we like, many years ago one of my best customer was the Estates Manager at Alder Hey hospital when I was selling frankers, he always had a coffee and time for a chat with me, yet in 3 years he’d never bought anything off me! People buy from an emotion and that emotion is solving the very pain that has caused them to look around. We don’t go the doctors to find out what’s wrong we go to find out how to make it right! And if the Doctor has a lollipop for me well who’s going to complain!!

To see a selection of gift companies click the bear:

biz-find corporate gifts

biz-find corporate gifts