FAQ’S :Where to find keywords for your business

FAQ’S :Where to find keywords for your business

FAQ’s : How to do effective keyword research for your business listing

Content marketing seems to have become the new search engine optimisation of late, what was vital 5 years ago, has changed so much. Yet forget SEO at your peril, it’s still important, and as good as your content may be, Google still does need a helping hand to find it.

Search on Google for ‘Google adwords,’ get a free account, go to keyword planner, then enter your keywords for your business, and in what country, to see how the general public search for things.

You should have a list of around 50-100 key-phrases nearby at all times when writing your content, and the number of searches done on each keyword will tell you which are the big ones to concentrate on.

A while back I met a branded goods business in Bangkok,  they had an entire floor they rented out full of hangers of branded clothing, as in T shirts, jackets, tracksuits all waiting to be emblazened with a company’s logo.

When we started their Online marketing training session we began with keyword research and they were very shocked to find this tiny free tool told them that; more people wanted and were looking for hats, thumb drives, pens, beer mats with their logo than people who searched: ‘Branded Apparel.’ Based on this information; they closed the apperel side of their business, and concentrated on the smaller items which incedently took up less space.

They phoned me about a month ago to tell me how much more profitable their business is now without renting an entire floor!

We add all your meta tags and meta desciptions to your listing manually, and you can also add a few tags and keywords yourself now I have told you how to do it!

If you need help we are just an email away at info@biz-findthailand.com