Social media gave me warts and my Girlfriend left me!
As humans we are more likely to pay attention to warning signs and we love to read about negative circumstances of others because it somehow improves our self-worth.I showed my Girlfriend some pictures of warts and she promised that neither a face covered in them or my ten hours a day on Facebook would make her leave me, but wearing shoes in the room would make her pack her bags faster than I could say ‘hong sokkaprok!’

Bloggers Girlfriends
Smart marketing people use this to make more compelling headlines. I was recently drawn to a creative video maker, who made a wonderful video about Thailand and SCUBA Diving of Kho Pi Pi Island and the Facebook heading was:
“Why you should never go to Thailand”
Whatever your job is right now you cannot ignore the impact Social Media has as a part of your overall branding of your company. I have been teaching clients in UK and Thailand for over 5 years and I tell them they can maintain a decent online presence for around 2 hours a week minimum time given to it.
You need to work smarter and not harder and the entire point is to get real people to spend 5-10 minutes actually reading something you have written about your business so that you establish yourself as a leader in your business arena and develop rapport, then a percentage of your readers will click your call to action and you can begin to convert readers to prospects.
Headings are vital to draw people in, after all you are not sat right next to them when they are at their PC at night and you can’t tell them how good your article is and how your article will give them a great new insight into what you know and how what you know can help them in their business. So there is nothing wrong with being creative.
One of my most hit blogs had the heading:
‘Get 5,000 Facebook fans in one click’
My first line of the blog read:
“Oh you poor fool. Where you really dragged in by this heading and expected 5,000 fans with one click? You are probably the type of person who is waiting for Prince Ombolgulu’s desk to send to your bank account the 5, 0000000 USD he cannot deposit anywhere else!”
I actually had people complaining and some were affronted by the blog but it certainly laboured the point that you have to be entertaining to get anywhere online. So think like a magazine editor who spend years and millions of dollars on what kind of headlines work and what makes people buy magazines!
I heard that Cosmopolitan magazine drag 5 ladies in off the street every week and offer them as many free magazines they want for a little marketing help. They have a newsstand in their offices with a line representing where people actually stand on the street, the woman then walk the line and pick their magazines (They are not allowed to open them just buy from the covers) they then are asked to fill in a form to say which headlines appealed to them. It sure is a science and big business!
So when you have written your blog think of a negative headline that will appeal to the sick, ‘I am alright thank God I do not have warts’ side of human nature, or think of a headline that appeals to a pain like:
‘Why your blogs don’t work’
Why you are not wealthy yet
Soon you will start to see a difference in the number of people that click and read your blog, which combined with sharing to all the top social media sites that Netmedia teaches their clients to do will soon start to convert readers to prospects, and prospects to sales!
To set up your blog and brand yourself effectively online contact NetmediaThailand