What the little Thai fruit lady taught me about blogging
Meet one of my mentors, and the melons are delicious!
Where I live in Thailand; at the top of the road or soi’s as they are called, is a lady with a fruit barrow. She goes to the fruit markets early in the morning and buys fresh fruit, melons, coconuts, pineapple, mangos and other juicy tropical fruits, takes that home, and then displays in her barrow with huge chunks of ice and then sits all day at the corner of the road, and sells the fruit to the residents and passers-by. A scene not at all uncommon, here in the land of smiles, almost every soi has a fruit seller. I buy my fruit daily of her, and have got to know here well, she is a mind of information about what happens in my area.
I watched her just today go out of her way to telephone call one of the Condo owners to see if they have a spare room, as a lady had asked her if she knew of any accommodation down the soi, as it happens they did, and the lady bought a huge bag of fruit then went to see the Condo. Then shortly after a Gent asked where the nearest convenience store was, she asked the man what he was looking to buy, and she advised a different shop, the man was very grateful and bought some pineapples. The fruit lady has a lot of friends and almost all day has company who share the news of what’s happening in the neighbourhood. She works very long hours but looks very happy and seems to be full of life.
I thought to myself she is the metaphorical ‘blog’ as in a non-direct sales person who genuinely wants to help people with information and help people get what they want, my partner tells me she lives in a very nice Condo and gets a kickback of almost everyone in the area that she sends people too, so she does not just sell fruit, underneath her big hat and huge umbrella that she moves slowly throughout the day to keep the blazing Bangkok sun of her skin, is a very shrewd and intelligent entrepreneur who has seized opportunities in places most of us would struggle to see. She is a scholar of the law of attraction and knows the power in genuinely availing yourself to go the extra mile to help others and the subsequent flow of fortune that follows this.
She always has a seat for weary travelers and water whenever you need it!
I teach people how to blog and I use the metaphor of the fruit lady to this day, and how she is the one who has found her wealth, not just in cash or money, but in the karmic value of giving.
What are you blogging about right now? How will that help people? Is your blog altruistic and non-sales? As you are writing; do you feel that across the lines and the 45 minutes it took to write your blog, your reader will ‘feel’ and relate to you, the writer, and know that they have been ‘given’ something in the blog that is useful to them, and now trust you and therefore make the decision to click your call to action hyperlink which then goes to your selling website and buy whatever it is you are selling without feeling like they are being closed?!
To find your target market and write blogs that will reach out to people; Contact Netmedia Thailand for workshops in Digital marketing and social media for business in Thailand