The Foot Care Centre (Kings Lynn)
We’ll help with anything from nail cutting and corn removal to conditions like plantar fasciitis. Call us now to book your foot care slot and get rid of the aches and pains in your feet and joints. We’ll even help you with unsightly conditions like fungal nails, verrucas and athletes foot.
Foot care in Kings Lynn can help all parts of your body!
Yes, even if you have sore shoulders or hips, we can help them through foot care, and through dietary advice.
Poor posture can be caused by all manner of foot problems (such as those listed above), and by being overweight. The poor posture in turn leads to more pain in joints and muscles.
The sooner you get help, the quicker your treatment works, and the cheaper it is for you. Call us now on 01553 768661 to see how we can help you.
All our practitioners are fully qualified and insured.

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