Serious About Preschool
Select the type of enrichment program you are interested in (or the name of centre if you have a particular one in mind) and the age of your child to start your search! You may add an optional area filter to define your search. To widen your options, it is more advisable to search by types and age only. The SAP Badge indicates that the centre is part of the SeriousAboutPreschool (SAP) Rewards Program. You may enjoy special rates when you book trial lessons (for new members only) by quoting ‘SeriousAboutPreschool’ to these participating centres and at the same time, you can earn rewards points too! Please refer to ‘Be Rewarded’ Page for details. Check out what other parents have to say about an enrichment program. Or contribute your own experience! You can earn rewards points for your genuine reviews and other parents will be very grateful for your contributions too!

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