Narry Bespoke Best Tailors in Bangkok
Owner Narinder Narry Suriya-Amrit comes from a long line clothiers. Narry grew up in the textile business. During his summer vacation from school and college he worked at his fathers textile store in Bangkok, Thailand. He sold fabrics to many companies worldwide, local tailors and large brands. Over the years he learned all about what constitutes a good fabric in which climatic occa-sions and where to source the best fabrics for Ladies and Gentleman custom made suits, shirts, trousers, dresses, skirts and all tailor made clothing. In 1977, Narry opened his first custom tailor showroom in Bangkok’s central business district (Sukhumvit soi 11), suiting up American GIs that were stationed in Bangkok during the Vietnam War.
After tremendous success within the first 12 months he opened his second branch in Patong Beach on the island of Phuket, predicting that it would be the next tourist hotspot. Since then, Narry bespoke has acquired an outstanding reputation for quality and service making us one of the best tailors in Bangkok and Phuket
- Business Phone number +6681-987-2008 (Chad)
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