Miracles Asia
Miracles Asia is a rehab center in Thailand that provides a comprehensive array of world-class addiction treatment and mental wellness programs that have a proven track record of success for many years. Our rehabilitation center is in a secluded area on the beautiful island of Phuket. If you are searching for rehab clinics near me, Miracles Asia is one of the best options in Thailand. We provide residential inpatient services starting from 30 days, and there are no universal solutions or treatment methods that can help everyone with alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and mental health issues. Our rehab center offers a wide range of services that include: Comprehensive assessment tests for addiction issues such as alcoholism, drug abuse, and other behavioral disorders; a Residential inpatient treatment program with group therapy sessions; Individualized counseling sessions with qualified therapists who will work closely with you to understand your needs and identify ways to overcome them.
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