Jin Gang Electric Heaters Mfy Pte Ltd
Jin Gang aims to be the best-in-class industrial designer and manufacturer of industrial electric heaters, ovens, furnaces and heating equipment; providing customers with thermal expertise for various applications, including general manufacturing heating requirements and from other industries such as aerospace, oil & gas and drum heating. We partner with our customers to optimize thermal performance, decrease design time and improve efficiency of their products and applications. At Jin Gang, we aim to be the best-in-class manufacturer in the field of thermal equipment for all sorts of industrial applications. We design and manufacture industrial electric heaters, ovens, furnaces and various heating equipment, and at the same time, provide our thermal expertise to our customers for general manufacturing heating requirements, as well as the heating needs of specialised industries such as aerospace, oil & gas, and drum heating. For more information just visit our website: www.jingangelectric.com/

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