Daisy Birthing
Not sure whether to go to Antenatal classes, HypnoBirthing, Pregnancy Yoga, NCT…..why not come to Active Birthing ante natal classes by Daisy Birthing in the Wirral- a wonderful combination of the best elements in antenatal support, in one easy class!
Daisy Birthing is a gentle relaxed active birthing concept. Tried and tested since 2004, our weekly class programme really works, helping you to enjoy every step of your pregnancy whilst looking forward to a positive birth.
Combining gentle yoga inspired moves, many of which are unique to Lazy Daisy, alongside breath work, relaxations, and self-hypnosis techniques, our classes give weekly relief and long term birth benefits.
We ease the physical body during pregnancy and in labour, strengthen the emotional mind as you look forward with excitement, reassure the nervous mum with our FEDANT approved teachers and ultimately provide helpful easy to follow and understand birth education.
All this for just £9 a week! The best investment you can make for your body, your birth and your baby.
Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/lazydaisywirral

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