Bkk Auctioneers | Buy/sell Restaurant Equipment Bangkok
BkkAuctioneers is the number one seller of second-hand restaurant equipment in Thailand. We advertise to more than 10000 restaurants each week in Thailand. We’ve found through experience that buyers & sellers prefer doing business with someone specifically in the restaurant equipment business like BkkAuctioneers rather than buying or selling second-hand equipment through general advertising venues such as eBay or Amazon ETC”.
In many cases it cost sellers nothing to sell their restaurant equipment on consignment with Bkkauctioneers or RsetaurantGenius because we have the experience and know how of the second-hand restaurant equipment market and will get you more money for your equipment than you will get selling on your own.
- Business Phone number +66 (0)811899297 Meeyah
- Website Link Visit Website
- We want to buy: CRM Systems SAAS and Ecommerce
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