How to sell your domain name
Quite often I get to speak to people about domains and there is always this ‘lucky for some’ or ‘all the best domains are gone ‘attitude to domain names. In my experience because the market is always changing, and new concepts and objects of desire always come to market, it makes the idea that buying a domain name that someone just ‘must have’ not at all a remote possibility.
For example look at toys, each year a new ‘must have’ toy hits the shelves, if you found that information out before anyone else, and purchased the domain, then you could be sunning it up for the rest of your life after Toys r us make you an obscene offer!
The other situation that concerns me regarding my clients is when we are working on their online marketing strategy is when I ask them to sign in to their domain account and hosting, and they then reach for their phone to call their web designer. WTF!
Domain names become valuable real estate and one day could be worth hundreds perhaps thousands of pounds, and your web designer may have given it all up and become a plumber by then, and he has your passwords!!?
Once you have been trained on digital marketing and you have your own domain and your own password and you have been blogging for years and now you have an asset worth money and you decide to sell how do you go about it, here is a quick beginners guide:
Purchase long tail, ‘does what it says’ domains.
It is vital to purchase a good domain name you think would tell people what it does. I mean what does mean or each one of these sites has a high number of google searches which is as good a place as any to start.
Compare with other similar domains and see what they may be worth.
Make a website
Even if you just intend to become a web domain seller you will need to at the very least build a one page website and let people know it’s for sale and who it would benefit, and don’t forget easily found contact information.
Landing page or blog
If you want to add real value build a site and blog consistently and there is a right way and a wrong way to blog. A few minutes of copy-writing can be re-purposed throughout the lifetime of the domain. It’s extremely useful for use on auction websites, forum posts, social updates, your for sale page and more. It can also be beneficial to use rich media and data that supports your domain
Put up for sale
Some of the bigger sites like and SEDO are market places for domain names there is a fee it is much like any auction site.
Alternatively research other domain sellers who wound purchase what they may see as a good deal to resell.
Get legal advice
If you are selling the domain at a the price of a small home then I suggest you get some help, or you may end up with a ‘toffee for a penny’ situation, where the buyer is saying you hand over domain first, and you are saying not till cash hits my bank, it could get very silly. So a legal representative will help to make sure as the money is paid the domain is transferred seamlessly at the same time. I have actually done it for cash on a table for a lot of Thai bahts in a Bangkok Hotel many years ago, not recommended for nerves!
Transferring ownership
To ‘push’ the domain as it’s called is quite a straightforward process and the easiest way is that your buyer has an account with the same hosting company which is free, and transfer is usually instant.
I have over 20 of the best domains for the Far eastern market for sale/rent on
For help with purchasing domains or hosting accounts or just to market your message on your website effectively contact Netmediauk