How to find leads online

How do you find leads online for your business?

It’s the question on everyone’s mind at present, with most of the global population now online and using the internet, it means the lady making a few pots of jam from her kitchen in Romania can become an overnight sensation and truly global business with the internet, but like anything it sounds a lot easier than it actually is.

Building a website and sitting waiting for clients is professional suicide. Having a web presence is so much more about having a website. A website is just your home; everything else you do is paramount to driving traffic back to your website.

Online marketing is now a fully pledged career, and the jobs boards are full of Digital marketing staff needed. So what do you need to do?

 Diving traffic tips:

 SEO: Make sure your keywords and tag categories in your website are Search engine friendly and correspond with your business, Google will actually tell you what keywords and phrases are used more often, so do your research and pander to the best keywords.

Make sure all your images have a  written title tag and description for the Google robot, most decent web design platform templates will have this feature built in.

Content: Update your website often, Search engines hate corporate ‘high sell’ websites that have little written content, and are not updated often

 Blog :Have a separate blog site and write a blog with tips and tricks at least once a week 500-700 words is ideal, each blog you write must have a call to action with a hyperlink that sends traffic back to your website.

Social Media: Make sure you have all the top social media sites optimised and they are sending traffic to your blog, which then in turn sends people to your main website. The top mediums you should set up are:

 Online Press releases: These are paramount for your business as they establish your business in news articles; most PR sites are free for a basic PR. However if you pay a little more ($50-500) you can get your PR syndicated to many more good websites, and the search engines know what are good sites, having a PR on yahoo say is the Holy Grail of back linking and is a massive tick in the world of search engines, pushing your blogs and websites up the rankings so you are nearer the top.

 Power points: When you have created a great power point for your business don’t keep it to yourself, add it to slideshare and this site has thousands of great power points that have been created and shared online and it’s a great back link for Google ranking.

 Videos: YOU TUBE owned by Google, is the second largest search engine on Earth, and if you do not have a video for your company you are losing the race, video companies can now make a talking head video for as little as $200 and they can be embedded into your site direct from your YouTube channel. There are other great sites too like daily motion and Vimeo.

 Business directories: Adding your business to as many of the top companies’ directories will do your Google ranking no harm whatsoever, ignore the sites that ask for reciprocal links and money, some sites in Europe will call you up within 30 minutes of joining to try and upgrade you!

The more you do, the more you get back; it’s a full time job to be really successful. People think Search engine robots are complicated and algorithms sound complex, all the search engines are trying to do is to send you to a website that gives you what you asked for and not return quickly, so amongst many things they do, one of the main things is: they test how many other sites are linking back to you and if they are well respected sites, the way it thinks is:

‘Well if Yahoo is talking about them they must have decent content’

If you already have a full time job and this blog has frightened the life out of you, don’t worry, help is always at hand. Companies can help you set up blogs and add the right SEO and help you by blogging and posting to social media, a good internet agency in Bangkok will have massive likes and followers on social media so you can use theirs.

Netmedia Thailand (part of Netmediauk Ltd) is massive in the online marketing world and can help your Thailand business be found online, we start by teaching you everything you need to know and then you chose which services you want to outsource, and what you can do in-house.

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