Does your company’s mission statement convey the benefit?
‘It all started with a Mouse’ Walt Disney said back in the day. Great companies who make profit with ease all have one thing in common; they know what they want to achieve and it’s not the features of their products and services it’s what the emotion is! Walt Disney’s mission statement is:
“To create happiness”
Oh so simple, yet their business plan is immense full of all their training to get every employee to achieve the same goal, the feeling of happiness and that is priceless.
Does anyone care how much profit Disney makes? Of course not, mention Disney and you will remember something that will make you feel an emotion, a cartoon you laughed at, a ride in Paris or Disneyland.
My company sells Internet marketing training in Thailand yet my end goal, my company’s purpose is:
To train companies to brand themselves effectively online and find more leads through the internet.
When I am networking my intro is even shorter:
“I train business to find more leads online”
Some SEO companies have tried to build an entire business on a feature of the end goal how many times have you had an email from an Indian company selling you ‘Top of Google’?
‘Top of Google is a stepping stone on the way to establishing a brand on the Internet to; wait for it, the end goal, to get more leads on the Internet.
Steve Jobs did not come on stage to tell you about a new piece of technology without telling you what enjoyment you will get out of it or how it will make your life easier.
When you have created an emotion and a need, price is irrelevant, I always say that twice at a seminar it’s vital to understand because it will always cut out all that unnecessary bargaining that so many people seem to feel is normal part of business practice, you have to ask yourself, what is what I am selling worth, if people are always negotiating? In fact, in a previous blog I wrote about your client closing you and that closing techniques as well as cold calling are all things in the past.
Spend more time creating an emotion and a real benefit that you will be so proud and excited to sell, then your clients will start knocking, instead of you looking for them and when you do find them they won’t negotiate and they will ask you for the order!