Cosmetic Tourism set to expand further driven by the perfect Selfies
Did you know that the cosmetic surgery industry is over 100 years old? Perhaps the most significant improvements in the history of plastic surgery occurred in the last century, where several plastic surgery techniques were introduced during the world wars.
Cosmetic Surgery is a special segment of surgery field which is involved in the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body so as to enhance the body’s appearance. The Cosmetic Surgery Market today is expected to reach $ 21.97 billion by the end of 2023.
The Cosmetic Surgery Market is driven by Social and cultural factors such as influence of media, fashion and film industry, peer pressure for appearance and beauty, changing dimensions of beauty etc.
The growth of the tourism industry and formation of tourism clusters such as Eastern Europe, Miami, Bangkok etc. has not only increased exposure to cosmetic surgeries but have also created a high point demand for these surgeries.

Every year plastic surgeons from around the world seek to improve the lives of millions people through helping them surgically alter their appearance after suffering with malformations and injuries to those that require help for chronic conditions and purely for vanity purposed too.
Incredibly, more than 20 million cosmetic procedures were performed last year according to the publication of latest figures. The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery goes into detail in their latest report and discus how our beauty ideals have altered dramatically in the last century.
With experts estimating that the cosmetic surgery industry is set to continue to grow by 8.9% by 2020 and currently being valued at upwards of $27 billion, we are looking towards the role that facilities professionals and associated factors play in creating a stable future in this area.
Professional standards
Facility professionals play a key and active role when it comes to contributing to the success of the cosmetic surgery industry. The key areas that continuously need to be addressed are that of how to best minimise risk. This can range from anywhere from structuring communication means between patients and doctors, consent, looking after professional behaviours to ensuring that a vulnerable patients is dealt with appropriately.
Standards are put in place in order to ensure that the needs of the patient are always at the core of the cosmetic surgery industry and this is precisely why constant discussion and amendment to existing standards is so important. The responsibility of being able to help ensure that a patient makes a well informed decision with regards to their care is not one to be taken lightly and has helped in terms of guidance. This guidance and the way that it will be reshaped to accommodate future developments in the field will help to underpin the way that people work in the future and will play a part in interventions further down the line.
Medical tourism
One of the largest contributors to the growth in the number of people who are having cosmetic procedures performed is due to the availability of travel and the fact that we are so easily able to head to another country to receive specialist care at a more affordable price.

The rise in medical tourism in Poland is one such destination, accession to the EU, increased awareness of Poland as a tourist destination, the increasing number of budget airlines flying to Polish cities – from Britain in particular – and the vast difference in cost between dental and cosmetic surgery price in Poland and more economically-developed countries means that many Britons can fly to Poland, enjoy several days away in a Beautiful city like Wroclaw or Krakow and, even after they’ve paid for their surgery, still have change to spare! With Polish surgeons and doctors enjoying an excellent international reputation, it’s hardly surprising that so many people are opting for cosmetic surgery in Poland
Through the work of professionals looking ahead at the way that we can best utilise new technology and the power of developments in technology, we are likely to witness a great deal more interest around the industry. Those looking to modify their body and appearance through surgery are often enticed by the fact that there is such a wealth of opportunity from the latest techniques and the ability to travel to receive specialist and more affordable care.
Plastic and cosmetic surgery in Poland is the area of growing popularity for medical tourists from other European countries. While plastic surgeons in Poland are highly qualified and clinics are perfectly equipped, the prices are two-three times less than in the majority of the European countries. Most clinics help to arrange accommodation and transfers. Among the most sought-after plastic and cosmetic procedures in Poland are facelift, liposuction, and Rhinoplasty as well as Gynecomastia (Man Boobs) surgery for men.
Our state of the art clinic is 7 minutes from Wroclaw airport, Poland and newly build to strict European Union safety standards. Wroclaw is a well-developed city with fastest growing economy in Europe.
UK Trained SurgeonAdam Kalecinski trained and worked in London and now is qualified at the level of a UK senior consultant, he is on the GMC register.
Cosmetic surgery abroad
A market leader in surgery abroad.
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