6 Powerful reasons to add your business to a Digital Advertising directory
1. Expand Your Online Presence
When searching for your business on general search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing you may come across listings of your business on numerous directories. These directories, in which you show up, are often places you never even thought of submitting your business details to.
Many times, you appear in these directories because many of them will extract your details from larger and better-known directories, or just buy in a big database and throw millions of company’s information onto a new site, If your business gets listed on one online directory, then you will likely be listed on many more.
However, it is important to note that accurate details about your business do not always get updated by these secondary directories. You can avoid inconsistency with your listing details. You can do this by regularly checking your listings and repair your online presence accordingly.
Also; if you use a ‘Back links SEO’ company where the promise you a page one ranking by registering your business onto many other business sites.

It pays to remember that because this is laborious work, it will often be the lowliest new youngest trainee who has this job of adding hundreds of companies to many directories, and often they will have to create a new ‘catchall email’ each time to be able to register on these directories, then all your inquiries go to this email, and our young Saturday lad in Mumbai has no care about your potential clients, so the only benefit is the back link, the customers trying to contact you are muted!
2. It Becomes Easier to Find You
Once you are sure your business details are accurate, on multiple different online directories, you can improve your odds of getting your business discovered whenever potential customers search for products or services.
With accurate information like keywords field that the best directories offer, your business can be better positioned to be found, even if potential clients do not directly search for you. Customers rarely search for a specific business name when trying to find a service or product. Examples of search phrases that are not brand specific include “hotels in Pattaya” or “Locksmiths in London.”
Using the two examples above, if you fall in one of those categories, and you list your business in well categorized directories, this can help you show up in search engines.
3. Improves Local Visibility
You will notice a common theme shared by many free online business directories. They offer advanced filter options that will allow your customers to contact you in your area.
Targeting customers in a local community becomes a simplified task with local business directories. If you intend to promote your product or brand on a national or global level, you may need to first win over the local crowd.
A directory that allows you to do both like leads4biz is a huge benefit.
4. Establishes More Brand Awareness
If you are in business you know by now you need marketing campaigns to get the word out about what you offer, or your brand, you will end up loving free online business directories. When a search is performed in an online business directory, a customer will be shown a list of matching results. These results will contain a snapshot and the available business details. It only takes a single click of the mouse to learn more about a business.
Many directories differ in what fields they offer, in other words what sort of information you can add. Sites like leads4biz offer all your links to social media including Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and your Instant messenger QR Codes. We also offer business services and embedded videos for your business.
Even if customers do not click on your business Listing, their attention is still driven towards your business. Whenever a new customer sees your business, awareness of your brand increases. There is a lot of importance placed on how many times people see your logo and /or slogan.
5. Strengthen Your SEO
Online business directories, and even free local business listings, can help your already existing web content get noticed by validating it. This is integral in winning the trust of search engines, Search engines use this signal in their algorithms the more good business sites you are on and have a follow link back to your site the better. As a result, many business owners will specifically add their businesses to directories with the sole intent of helping them rank better in search engines.

6. Promotes Word of Mouth
Good directories have comments and reviews about the businesses they list that come from the public. Customer reviews make up the backbone of most online business directories. Reviews promote word of mouth, which has always been a trusted source for consumers. Reviews can now be published and seen quicker due to real time-sharing and viral capabilities of the internet. Regardless of whether customers submit positive or negative reviews of a company, word will get around about these reviews. All publicity is good publicity, right?
How to Get More Leads to Your Business
Many businesses waste tons of money and/or time on ineffective marketing and lead generation services. We at leads4biz offer sales leads direct. We simply offer marketing for leads, you join our site, have a page to advertise your business, we then publish your page and share your business to our 300,000 social media reach driving traffic back to you, 6400 other business have already joined us!
A FREE LISTING in return for telling us what products and services you are buying for your business and we share these leads to our paying members for the ridiculously expensive $35 a month! Yeah, I know right, how can we afford to eat? well it is not about us!