FAQ’s Where to submit articles
FAQ’s Where to submit articles?
Writing articles for other authority sites is vital for your online marketing strategy.
You may have come across an article from a business in Thailand, with great tips and information, and you will see a lot of views on the view counter and many shares to Social meida, probably a lot more than you can get on your own. That is because we have a massive social media reach that we share all articles too which we have grown for over 7 years.
So writing an article for Biz-find will be massive free boost for your business
Biz-findthailand is a business directory and article marketing site so add your business then submit your article, we have over 100 great articles from our members and staff already and if your article has a great Thailand theme all the better.
700-1,500 words long in blog style lots of good information than shows you have great knowledge and you are giving away tips and tricks of your trade. this endears you to people , brands you as a leader and we publish your bio, photo and follow link back to your site and business listing on Biz-find.
It is so much more powerful if you have your business page published on Biz-find before you submit an article, so that people can see who you are what you do and your links to social media, they may even contact you through the biz-find email system.
Send your articles on Word or notepad with bio and images to: