Thai Football Sucks

If you had ever watched Champions league football or the World Cup or been lucky enough to absorb the energy and the atmosphere of being at the stadiums in Europe or South America during a match, you will be hooked and want to go again and again. If on the other hand you had only ever seen Thai premier league football then it would be a shock to you to see the Western game.

Even Southeast Asian people admit that ever since the English Premier League is beamed to every pub TV in the region that it would take a lot of change before Thailand or other Southeast Asian nations qualify for a World Cup.

For the top tournament games you will see the ball itself is 95% under control by the players on the pitch, in Thailand it feels like the ball is under control 60% of the time and that difference is so telling, it seems so much slower for the Thai game, the players seem to be chasing the ball rather than making it do their bidding.

Champions League football is a tournament between the best in Europe, you have to qualify in the top 4 in their domestic leagues, which makes for some fantastic and exciting viewing and the fortunes that FIFA make on the games, the merchandise and television rights associated with the teams is unsurpassed.


From a personal finance standpoint you need to be aware of who the best performers in the elite leagues of stocks are, so you can invest in a variety of them thus by using a good balance of high risk and low risk you can be sure of a fruitful season.

A financial manger worth their salt will be aware of the premier league of the top indexes for stocks and will have a lot of their client’s money on the top performers, and watches the ‘games every week from the dug outs, whereas so many people sadly think think the bank, which is the Thailand 4th division relegation zone when it comes to return on investment is the place where their money should be.

The Premier League of financial Indexes are:

– S&P 500® (USD, EUR, GBP)

The Standard and Poor’s 500 is a stock market index based on the common stock prices of 500 top publicly traded American companies. The S&P 500 has been widely regarded as the best single gauge of the large cap U.S. equities market since the index was first published in 1957.

Financial Champions League winners 2020


The MSCI All Country World Index Investable Market Index captures large, mid and small cap representation across 23 Developed Markets and 23 Emerging Markets countries. With 8,447 constituents, the index is comprehensive, covering approximately 99% of the global equity investment opportunity set.

– S&P Asia 50® (USD, EUR)

The S&P Asia 50 is an equity index drawn from four major Asian markets –

Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. The index constituents are leading, large, liquid, blue chip companies from the Asian markets.


The EURO STOXX 50 is Europe’s leading Blue-chip index and covers 50 stocks from 12 Euro-zone countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany,

Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.


The MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market Index (IMI) captures large, mid and, small cap representation across 23 Emerging Markets countries. With

2,617 constituents, the index covers the following countries: Brazil, Chile, China,

Colombia, Czech Republic, Greece, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea,

Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan,

Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.

*Plan values in EUR or GBP must be equivalent to the amount displayed in USD.

– FTSE 100 (GBP)

The FTSE 100 is an index composed of the 100 largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). These are often referred to as ‘blue chip’ companies, and the index is seen traditionally as a good indication of the performance of major companies listed in the UK.


The MSCI EAFE Index is recognized as the pre-eminent benchmark to measure international equity performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. & Canada. As of May 2010 the Index consisted of the 22 developed market country indices which include Australia, Germany, Israel, Japan,

Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

MSCI World (GBP)

The MSCI World is a stock market index designed to measure developed market equity performance throughout the world. The index includes securities from over 1,600 companies across 23 developed countries.

Ask your financial advisor today about what league your money is invested in, and do you have a death benefit on your savings? What is the surrender value and charges you pay for them to manage your money?  Do they have a Savings Plan that offers 125% of Contributions at Year 10?

And most importantly when you will be given your trophy (Your maturity funds) for your hard work consistently saving your hard earned?

We all go for a regular health check-ups, our cars are put in for regular tests and certificates, but very few of us ask for a financial checkup.

Contact us to have our agents get you a medical with a top team physio and the best transfer to the premier league of finance for you!