SG Travel Smart
If you are travelling over the weekend or embarking on an around-the-world tour, travel insurance might prove to be the best thing you pack for your holiday. AIG offers you travel insurance cover from the widest range of benefits and services to protect you from unexpected twist of events. If you frequently travel overseas, consider AIG’s annual travel policy. However, if you seek to go on a business trip or a last minute travel, AIG’s single trip travel insurance would be the most suitable choice for you. Travel Insurance is important for a stress-free vacation. Whether you travel on business or leisure, AIG ensures you of that comprehensive protection with 24hr assistance and 38 travel insurance benefits for peace of mind. Some examples of travel related risks include emergency medical evacuation, trip cancellation, travel delay, baggage loss or theft, overbooked flights and missed connections. With AIG, you may either select individual travel option or add your children and partner under family coverage.

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