My Marketing Guy
My Marketing Guy is dedicated to helping your company increase sales, develop brand awareness and reach new markets. Today’s media channels are many and varied and we will select the best ones for you. My Marketing Guy works with customers rather than for them; this relationship is important and at the outset we would meet with you to understand your current situation, your business objectives and your marketing budget. Medium to long term strategies will be assessed together with any short term, one off tactical needs often necessary to react to changing local markets or the campaign of a competitor. No media channel will be ignored in the search to provide you with an effective plan; direct marketing, social media, online. PR, events – all will be examined for their relevance to you. We will review your current activity and produce a comprehensive Marketing Plan that will outline ways of achieving your objectives using combinations of different marketing channels. The Marketing Plan will be discussed, market channels agreed and My Marketing Guy will implement the plan according to agreed timescales.

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