FAQ’s Banner advertising
FAQ’s Banner advertising on Biz-find
Firstly as a business owner I wont insult your intelligence and tell you banner ads will mean you get clicks, you may get lucky and get a click or two from a months banner ads, but statistically you need to be seen 100,000 times before you get a click!
Yet established successful business people think; well if a site is getting 10,000 clicks a month and my business logo is on every page. that’s 10,000 views of my banner and that is subliminally ever so powerful, that is 10,000 times I am seen and I am branding and developing trust, a click is a bonus!
Leader board top of website every page $150 per/month
Top of website listings $30 per/month
Bottom of website category $20 per/month
Our Singapore site is barely three months old and already attracting a lot of interest and will grow as big as our more established franchises.
October 2015 stats 10,534
** Prices in USD***