Invest Global Management
Invest Global Management .com is a multi-faceted investment platform designed to provide an online strategy and planning service allowing investors to buy, sell and review their own investments if they wish. To help investors select the correct range of funds and portfolios Invest Global provides a selection of information from more than 2,500 funds plus ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), Investment Trusts and Shares. In addition, we offer a range of tailor-made Investment Portfolios. Look to maximise your returns on savings plans, offshore pensions or investment bonds as Invest Global helps you invest across multiple platforms.
Advisory Platform – existing Savings Plans, Bond Platform – Exclusive Investment bond, Investor – Managed Portfolio Service, Portfolio Platform – Bespoke Investment Portfolios, Trader Platform – Global Commodity Trading, Savings platform – Preferred Savings Plans. There is a platform for all of your investments.
Our investment strategies currently include Exclusive Investment Bond (EIB) – Low Cost Index Funds, Fixed Income Bonds are mechanisms for better Fund Management.
Our Bond Ladder is a portfolio of fixed-income securities where each security has a different maturity date. The funds are then re-invested for another short-medium term creating a compound effect and predictable returns uncorrelated with the Equity Markets
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