Rapid Learn Thai : Learn Thai fast
The Rapid Method is a minimalist, memory-based system that you can complete by yourself online or with the help of a “study buddy”.
Start by learning to read. It’s easy and doesn’t take long. If you jump into trying to speak & understand you will hit a dead end and develop bad speaking habits, hardly anyone will be able to make out what you are saying.
With the Rapid Method, you will be able to recognize and sound out any Thai word accurately and with the correct tone (which are the same as in English, btw)! Now you can effortlessly build up your vocabulary from your environment, by reading the menus, street signs and notices.
If you prefer an in-person class then come and get it done and dusted in one go. The next intensive 7-day bootcamp is in Chiang Mai, Feb 10-16 (Mon-Fri). If you can’t make it then come in Jul/Aug and work through the self-study course in the meantime.
The first few intro lessons are free, Try it out to see if the Rapid Method works for you.
Intensive Read /speak Thai bootcamp
Chiang Mai
February 10-16 (seven days)
Monday to Sunday, 8am – 5pm
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